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【发稿:吴为亚 | 审核: | 发布日期:2023-04-21 】



1. 2022芜湖市工程技术研究中心芜湖市低碳能源系统与储能工程 技术研究中心,项目编号 sgcjsyjzx10

2. 2021年横向项目福建省储能材料技术专业课程资源库建设的开发与运用”Wzyhx202201

3. 2021安徽省职业教育创新发展试验区皖江试验区项目储能材料技术专业高水平双师型教师培养培训基地建设(WJ-PTZT-166

4. 2021年横向项目储能电池技术开发与指导Wzyhx202140

5. 2021校级质量工程项目优质新型教材项目储能电池制备与检测技术

6. 安徽省职成教学会一般教学研究项目(一般)产教深度融合下职业院校储能材料技术专业课程开发模式的实践研究azcg1452020

7. 2019-2020年度校级重点科技团队项目新能源储能材料技术创新团队wzykjtd2020032020

8. 2019年安徽省高校自然科学重点项目新型钙钛矿太阳能电池稳定性的研究KJ2019A09752019

9. 校级人才项目环保型铌酸钾钠基压电陶瓷的研究wzyrc2018022018


[1] Danya Lv, Zhou Ye, Weiwei Jin, Fei Hua, Zhongliang Zhang & Kang Wu “Effect of sinting temperature on the structural and electrical properties of low temperature sintered the NKN-LST textured ceramics”, Ferroelectrics, 2023, 603(1), 308-315.

[2] Danya Lv, Zhi Liu, Weiwei Jin, Zhou Ye, Fei Hua, Kang Wu, “Effect of calcination temperature on the structural and electrical properties of low temperature sintered (Na0.52K0.44Li0.04)(Nb0.88Sb0.08Ta0.04)O3 ceramics”, Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 2020, 11, 99-102.

[3] 吕丹亚, 叶舟, 靳维维, 吴康, “熔盐法制备一维棒状 M-Nb2O5微晶粉体”,芜湖职业技术学院学报2020, v.22No.88(04) 20-23.

[4] 吕丹亚, 吴为亚, 吴康, 靳维维, 华飞,片状(111)-BaTiO3粉体的制备,化工管理. 2020, (20), 20-21

[5] 吕丹亚,吴为亚,吴 康,靳维维,华飞,储能材料技术专业本科层次职业教育试点探索,造纸装备及材料. 2020, 49(03) , 191-192

[6] Danya Lv, Ruzhong Zuo, “Evolution of crystallographic grain orientation and anisotropic properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 ceramics using BaTiO3 templates by reactive templated grain growth”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 560, 62-66.

[7] Danya Lv, Ruzhong Zuo, Shi Su, “Processing and Morphology of (111) BaTiO3 Crystal Platelets by a Two-Step Molten Salt Method”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,  2012, 95(6), 1838-1842.

[8] Danya Lv, Ruzhong Zuo, Shi Su, “Reactive Templated Grain Growth and Anisotropic Electrical Properties of (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 ceramics without Sintering Aids”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2012, 23, 1367-1372.

[9] Danya Lv, Ruzhong Zuo, Jian Fu, Shi Su, Yi Liu, “Phase transition and electrical properties of new lead-free (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-Ba(Ti0.95Hf0.05)O3 solid solution ceramics”, Ceramics-Silikaty, 2011, 55, 101-105.

[10] 省级规划教材,《化学化工专业英语教程》,吕丹亚主编,中国科大出版社,2021

[11] 《高分子包装材料》,吴永军,吕丹亚著,北京工业大学出版社,2021

[12] Ruzhong Zuo, Danya Lv, Jian Fu, Yi Liu, Longtu Li (2009) “Phase Transition and Electrical Properties of Lead-Free (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-BiAlO3 ceramics”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 476, 836–839.

[13] Shi Su, Ruzhong Zuo, Danya Lv (2012) “Synthesis and characterization of (001) oriented BaTiO3 platelets through a topochemical conversion”, Powder Technology, 217, 11-15.

[14] Shi Su, Ruzhong Zuo, Danya Lv (2012) “Densification and texture evolution of Bi4Ti3O12 templated Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3 ceramics: effects of excess Bi2O3”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 519, 25-28.

[15] Jian Fu, Ruzhong Zuo, Danya Lv, Yi Liu and Yang Wu (2010) “Structure and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-Free (Na0.52K0.44-x)(Nb0.95-xSb0.05)O3–xLiTaO3 Ceramics”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 21(3), 241-245.

[16] Ruzhong Zuo, Jian Fu, Danya Lv, Yi Liu (2010) “Antimony Tuned Rhombohedral-Orthorhombic Phase Transition and Enhanced Piezoelectric Properties in Sodium Potassium Niobate”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(9), 2783-2787.

[16] Ruzhong Zuo, Jian Fu, Danya Lv (2009) “Phase Transformation and Tunable Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-Free (Na0.52K0.48-xLix)–(Nb1-x-ySbyTax)O3 System”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92(1), 283-285.


[1] 吕丹亚,张忠亮,一种光纤传感器的安装装置 ZL 2022 2 0132615.X

[2] 吕丹亚,张忠亮,一种光纤传感器的检测装置 ZL 2022 2 0132611.X